Dr. Xie is an in-network provider of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCE – Blue Choice PPO Preferred, BCO – Blue Choice Options, BCS – Professional Blue Choice PPO and PPO – Preferred Provider Organization), Cigna, UnitedHealthcare and VA Community Care Network (VACCN) (https://info.vacommunitycare.com).
You can find out if your insurance provides acupuncture benefits by calling your insurance company’s patient information or benefits line. This number can be found on your insurance card.
If your insurance provider does cover acupuncture, here are a few questions that you can ask to determine your eligibility and coverage:
- How many treatments do I get?
- How much does the insurance company pay?
- What is the normal co-pay for acupuncture from a preferred provider? (This is the amount you would pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner on their provider list.)
- What percentage will I pay for out-of-network practitioners? (This is the amount you would pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner who is NOT on their provider list.)
- Who must provide the acupuncture?
- Will I need a referral from an MD to see the acupuncturist?
- What is my deductible?
- What conditions are covered for acupuncture? (Many plans only cover the treatment of pain)
Acupuncture for Veterans through VACCN
Dr. Xie is an in-network provider of VA Community Care Network (VACCN)
![Optum VA Community Care Network logo](https://www.vacommunitycare.com/oss/cms/styles/desktop/global/vaccn/global/global/css/images/Optum_VACCN_logo.jpg)
Veterans should contact their servicing VA Medical Center’s Office of Community Care and their VA physician to get referrals (VA Form 10-7080) for acupuncture treatments in this clinic.
Acupuncture is one of the complementary and integrative health (CIH) approaches within the VHA Whole Health System of care included in VHA Directive 1137 – Provision of Complementary and Integrative Health, published in May 2017. This allows acupuncture care to be covered by the Veteran’s medical benefits package, when clinically necessary, as determined by the patient’s care team.
After veterans are approved to get acupuncture from an in-network provider of VA Community Care Network, the VA will pay 100% for acupuncture treatments. Once the approved referral (VA Form 10-7080) is received, the veteran can begin treatments. The number of treatments a veteran receives depends on the condition being treated.
Acupuncture can treat a wide range of illnesses. Some conditions that can be addressed through the program are pain management, opioid addiction, PTSD, insomnia, and digestive disorders among others.
Many veterans are suffering from chronic pain. The VACCN offers an opportunity for veterans to benefit from acupuncture, a safe and effective modality to relieve suffering without cost to the veterans.
For the details of VA Community Care Network please visit:
Acupuncture Provided as An Out-of-Network Provider
For a subscriber of health care plans other than BCBSIL, Anthem, UHC, UMR and Cigna, if acupuncture benefit is included in your plans, Dr. Xie will provide his service as an out-of-network provider. A claim form with all the necessary codes will be provided. We can file the claim on your behalf or you can send the form to your insurance plan carrier to instruct them to send reimbursements directly to you. In this instance we ask that patients pay for the services at the time services are rendered.
Acupuncture paid with FSA, HSA or Cash
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) can be used to pay for the acupuncture services. A statement / claim form for the service will be provided for your submission.
If patients do not have acupuncture benefit from any insurance policy, we ask that patients pay for the services at the time services are rendered. Payments can be made with cash, checks, or credit cards. The average 45 to 60-minute session costs between $90 and $110.
If you have any questions about our fees or payment policy, we invite you to discuss them with us.
Medicare Coverage for Acupuncture
At this time we are still waiting for more specific instructions from Medicare. Currently we are not able to work with Medicare for payment of acupuncture treatment.
CMS (Medicare) coverage for Acupuncture clarification Published by American Acupuncture Council on