
My name is Dr. Jinhua Xie (Dr. J). I am a national board certified acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist.  I am a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Illinois and the State of Wisconsin.

From 1985 to 2005 I was a medical doctor and a medical professor in China. I have a medical degree, bachelor of medicine which is equivalent to an MD in the USA, and a Master of Medicine (MM) and a Ph.D. of Chinese Medicine. I also earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Nutrition and a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine.

I have been practicing Chinese medicine and conventional medicine for over 40 years. After graduated from medical school in 1985, I completed three years of residence in Chinese herbal medicine, conventional internal medicine, and pediatrics. After 7 years of postgraduate education in Chinese herbal medicine and pharmacology, I held teaching positions of lecturer, associate professor and professor of Chinese medicine in the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, one of the most prestigious Chinese medical schools in China, and worked in its teaching hospital as a specialist in Bone and Mineral Metabolism and Peri-menopausal Care from 1991-2005.  In 1999 I was a World Health Organization (WHO) Fellow and completed a Postgraduate Program in Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre. the School of Medicine and Pharmacology, the University of Western Australia, Australia. From 2005 to 2024 I was a faculty member of the Midwest College of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, Racine, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois as a professor of Oriental Medicine and a clinical supervisor.  From 2009 to 2012 I was a peer-reviewer for the database, Natural Standard, an international research collaboration that aggregates and synthesizes data on complementary and alternative therapies (www.naturalstandard.com). From 2010 to 2015 I was a guest lecturer in the complementary and alternative medicine course in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy, Chicago State University. I serve the patients from both Wisconsin and Illinois.


  • Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
  • Master of Science in Oriental Medicine
  • Bachelor of Medicine (MD in China)
  • Master of Medicine
  • PhD. in Chinese Medicine
  • 12 Years of Training in Chinese Medicine & Conventional Medicine

Professional Experience

  • Specialist in Bone and Mineral Metabolism and Peri-menopausal Care
  • Expert in Chinese Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture
  • Professor of Medicine in Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China
  • Nationally Certified in Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), including Chinese Herbology and Acupuncture
  • Licensed Acupuncturist in State of Illinois and State of Wisconsin
  • Professor in Midwest College of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine 2005-2024
  • World Health Organization fellow in 1999
  • 40 Years of Experience in Clinical Practice, (1985-2005 in China and 2005-Present in the USA)
  • Peer-reviewer for the database, Natural   Standard (www.naturalstandard.com), 2009 to 2012
  • Guest lecturer in the complementary and alternative medicine course in Chicago State University, College of Pharmacy, 2010 to 2015

Selected Papers

  1. Xu Min, Dominic T. S. Lee, Xie Jinhua, et al., A database on treating drug addiction with traditional Chinese medicine, Addiction 102 (2), 282–288. 2006
  2. Wang Tao, Zeng Yuaner, Xu Min and Xie Jinhua, Content Determination of Isopsoralen in Gushuling Capsule, Journal Guangzhou University of TCM, 2004, 21 (3):211 (published in the Chinese language with English abstract)
  3. Xie Jinhua,, Xu Min, and Feng Xinsong, A Review on the Clinical Treatments of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, Journal Guangzhou University of TCM, 2004, 21 (2):156 (published in the Chinese language with English abstract)
  4. Xie Jinhua,, Zhang Xiaohui, and Xu Min, The Study of TCM Patterns in the Patients Diagnosed with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, Zhongguo Zhongyi Jichu Yixue Zazhi (Chinese Journal of Basic TCM Science) 2003 (7): 55-57 (published in the Chinese language with English abstract)
  5. Xu Min, Xie Jinhua, Zhang Xiaohui, et al., The Effect of Herbal Formula on Bone Turnover Biochemical markers in Ovariectomized rats, Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, 2002, 8(1): (published in the English language)
  6. Xie Jinhua, and Feng Xinsong, The Impaired Intestinal Calcium Absorption in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, J. Guangzhou Univ. of TCM 2000; 17(4): 361-365 (published in Chinese language with English abstract)
  7. Liu Yabing, Yu Muzhen, and Shen Xiaozhou, translated by Xie Jinhua, The Establishment of A Temporary Expression System in Chicken Oviduct Epithelium, Developmental & Reproductive Biology, 2001, 10(1):13-19
  8. Xie Jinhua, Dick IM, Xu Min, Prince RL. The regulation of Chinese herbal medicines on plasma membrane calcium pump activity in kidney cells Proceedings of the Combined Biological Science Meeting, 1999 10th Annual Meeting, Western Australia
  9. Chen Xin, Ou Yongxin, Chen Jiewen, Wang Xin and Xie Jinhua, The Effect of Sub-acute Wind-cold Stimulation on the Immunity of Experimental Mice, Chinese Journal of Basic TCM Science, 1998, 4(3): 18-20 (published in the Chinese language with English abstract)
  10. Xie Jinhua, The Regulations of Herbal Medicines in Australia, J. Traditional Chinese Drug Research & Clinical Pharmacology9(2): 122-124 1998 (translation, published in Chinese language)
  11. Xie Jinhua, The Reporting System of Adverse Drug Reactions in Australia J. Traditional Chinese Drug Research and Clinical Pharmacology Vol.8 (4) 1997 (translation, published in Chinese language)
  12. Fu Wenbin and Xie Jinhua, The Progress of Eye-acupuncture (review paper in Chinese) J. Beijing Univ. of TCM; 20(2), 1997
  13. Fu Wenbin and Xie Jinhua, The Experience of Professor Shitu Ling on using back-shu acupuncture points (published in Chinese) J. Beijing Univ. of TCM 18(3), 1995

Books and Translation Works 

  1. Jinhua Xie, Study Guide, Materia Medica, Midwest College of Oriental Medicine 2024
  2. Jinhua Xie, Formula Study Guide, Midwest College of Oriental Medicine 2024
  3. Jinhua Xie, Study Guide of Treatment Strategy (Acupuncture and Internal Medicine), Midwest College of Oriental Medicine 2024
  4. Jinhua Xie, Study Guide of TCM Herbal Classics, Midwest College of Oriental Medicine 2024
  5. Wang Xinhua, Xie Jinhua, Dai Wenjun, et al, Preclinical Science of Chinese Medicine, China Higher Education Press, 2007
  6. Jinhua Xie, Liang Songming, et al, The Therapeutic of Chinese Herbal Medicines-Materia Medica and Formula, Guangdong Science and Technology Press, 2006
  7. Jinhua Xie, Dai Wenjun, Hu Kewu and Huang Xinhua, (trans), Academic Thoughts of Deng Tietiao, Guangdong Science and Technology Press, 2004
  8. Huang Yuezhong and Xie Jinhua, Internal Medicine in TCM, A Newly Compiled Practical English-Chinese Library of TCM, Press of Shanghai University of TCM, 2002 ISBN 7-81-1-660-0.
  9. Jinhua Xie, Dai Wenjun, Hu Kewu, et al. A Color Atlas of Tongue Diagnostics and Its Ancient and Modern Research, Guangdong Science and Technology Press, 2002. ISBN 7-5359-3146-4/ R.510
  10. Chai Kefu, Zhang Qingrong, Le Yimin, Xie Jinhua, et al, Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine, (Chinese-English Bilingual), Beijing, People’s Health Press, 1998 ISBN 7-117-030410/R.3042
  11. Wei Luxue, Xie Jinhua, National Guideline for TCM Professional English for Applicants of National Board Examination of TCM Pharmacist, Beijing, China TCM Press, 1997 ISBN 7-80089-740-0
  12. Dai Wenjun, Xie Jinhua, Li Daosheng, et al, The Foundation of Acupuncture (English), Hong Kong, Hong Kong Health Publishing Company,1997 ISBN 962-300-0847
  13. Jinhua Xie, Dai Wenjun, Li Daosheng, et al, The Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Health Publishing Company, 1997 ISBN 962-300-0839
  14. Li Daosheng, Shi Min, Xie Jinhua, et al, The Essential of Clinical Treatment with Acupuncture (English), Hong Kong, Hong Kong Health Publishing Company, 1997 ISBN 962-3000812
  15. Li Daosheng, Shi Min, Jinhua Xie, et al, Therapeutics of Acupuncture (Chinese), Beijing, People’s Health Press, 1997 ISBN 7-117-02634-0 /R4
  16. Li Daosheng, Shi Min,  Xie Jinhua, et al, The Essential of Acupuncture Clinical Therapeutics (English) Hong Kong, Hong Kong Health Publishing Company, 1996 ISBN 962-300-0809
  17. Shi Min, Li Daosheng, Xie Jinhua, et al, Therapeutics of Acupuncture (English), Hong Kong, Hong Kong Health Publishing Company,,1996 ISBN 962-300-0790
  18. Jinhua Xie, Fu Wenbin, et al, A Chinese-English Handbook of Acupuncture, Nanchan, Jiangxi Science and Technology Press, 1995 ISBN 539-0779-6/R 180


  • Diplomate, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), USA, Since 2006
  • Standing member, Committee of Chinese Medicine Professional English and Translation, Chinese Society of Integrated Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine (2002-2005)
  • Standing member, Committee of Chinese Medicine Professional English and Translation, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2003-2005)
  • Standing Member, Guangdong Branch, China Society of Acupuncture (Membership Since 1993, Standing Membership since 2004)
  • Member, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Since 1986)